An Exciting Day

Today was an amazing day in the classroom.  The students’ level of engagement in the discussion was at a distinguished level.  The students took control of their learning, and I become a spectator watching the students become independent thinkers~ A teacher’s highest hope!

Let’s look back at the lessons that occurred leading up to today.

As you learned in a previous blog post, we have been reading about courageous characters~ specifically how a writer crafts a person/character to exhibit the quality of courage.

This week we read and watched an interview about Malala Y.  This topic naturally brought inquiry questions.  One of the categories on the note taking graphic organizer is questions.  Students naturally have questions, this space is a place to record the questions.  I am constantly reminding students to write down the questions they have.  I can tell from the students questions if they have understood the piece or if there is confusing.  Below is an example of one of the graphic organizers we filled out throughout the week.


Note taking Graphic Organizer

Note taking Graphic Organizer

Next, we clarified understanding of the article and video.  We compared and contrasted the presentation of the information in both pieces.  Thinking about how the video may have clarified or enhanced their thinking about Malala. I knew by the end of the activity, the students had a clear understanding of the topic, and a discussion would be a powerful tool to extend thinking.

Today’s lesson incorporated many elements.  First we reviewed what a Socratic Seminar entailed.  It is a discussion based on questioning in order to find deeper meaning behind a concept, text, etc.  There is a inner circle and outer circle.  The inner circle consists of half of the class.  They discuss the text through questions they had, building on ideas, and clarifying understanding.  The outer circle observes the conversation and provides feedback on what they noticed about discussion (the glows and grows).

We started by reviewing collaborative group strategies.

Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 7.45.25 PM We also discussed how to clarify understanding of the topic.  For example, one student brought up a point and all the students went WHAT???  I asked them how does that make a person feel.  What could you have said?

  • What did you mean by that?
  • I am not following your thinking, could you explain your thinking further?

Then we discussed how the Socratic Seminar was going to work.  The students were given two poker chips~ they were required to speak a minimum of two times.  The chips would be a cue for students to bring in students who have not  contributed to the discussion yet..  Then to keep the outer circle involved, I added another element,

Today’s Meet is a back channel that can be used in the classroom to create further conversation.  The students in the outer circle were to comment on, add questions, and provide notes related to the discussion.  The students’ comments were projected on the screen in the classroom so the students in the inner circle could see them.  This could provide a spring board for the discussion for the inner circle if no one could add on to the discussion.  Below are the links to the two conversations of the outer circle on Todaysmeet..

Malala Discussion Block 2

Malala Discussion Block 5

As the students were discussing, I took notes on questions asked, adding to the discussion, respectfully disagreeing, using evidence from the texts, and inviting others into the conversation.  Below is the way I tracked student participation in the discussion.

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I am editing the Socratic Seminar video this weekend.  I look forward to sharing it soon! Here is a couple pictures of what it looked like.

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Have a wonderful weekend!

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Courageous People

Today we continued our journey of discovering what makes a person courageous, and how an author crafts a person to emphasize the characteristic of courage.  We are reading about Malala Yousafzai, 15, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban in Pakistan in October 2012.  Malala continues to crusade for the right of all children to receive an education.

Some of the skills we are working on in class are as follows:  identifying central ideas and supporting details, text structures, text features, and inferring information.

One strategy the students are working on is Note taking.  Below is a way we are taking notes.

 Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 8.53.29 PM

The notes will assist students in remembering information and writing a summary.  (I look forward to sharing some examples from the students.)

Here is a video that students will be viewing and taking notes on about Malala.

Mrs. Emerick

Heritage Day: Success

Last Monday we celebrated Heritage Day.  The day was all about sharing the unique cultures that create our diverse classroom community. Countries Represented:  Ecuador, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Ireland, Brazil, Romania, Puerto Rico (territory), Czech Republic, Germany, Guatemala, Peru, India, Netherlands, England,, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Ukraine, Jamaica, Philippines, Bangladesh.

Students had been preparing for this day throughout our Heritage Unit of Study.  The project was created in order to help the students gain a deeper understanding of the essential question for the unit:  How does the role of immigration affect our heritage, defining us individually and as a nation?

Students interviewed a family member in order to learn more about their heritage.  Next, the students researched a country where their ancestors emigrated from.  They found out information about the country’s traditions, customs, food, and fun facts.  They also tried to find out what was going on in the country during the time a family member may have emigrated from that country to the United States.  Finally, the students found personal artifacts that are important to their family (pictures, items, recipes, etc.) in order to understand more about their own family’s personal stories.

The students synthesized and evaluated the information they gained and decided how best to put it together to present to small groups of students in the class.  The students had choice in how to present the information:  poster/tri fold board, binder, scrap book, Prezi, Google Presentation, etc.

Here are some images from the day:

Students brought in artifacts and various dishes of traditional food.

Some of the reflections of the day and the project are as follows:

I enjoyed learning about other classmates cultures. 

I liked asking questions about the cultures and learning about the countries. 

I liked learning about how different and unique my classmates are from me.

I loved interviewing my family member.

My favorite part of the project was gathering the artifacts because it introduced to me why certain things are important to my family.

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Happy New Year: it has been awhile……..

Happy New Year!!! It has been awhile since I have had an update.  I apologize.  It seems sometimes that time gets away from me.  Well, my New Year’s Resolution is not to have that happen!  We have been busy in reading and language arts and updates will come.  For now, we have have started our Unit on Building Courageous Characters.

We have read about “The Guys Who Got Bin Laden”- SEAL Team 6.  We are now going to connect to other courageous tales and analyze how the courageous acts compare.  Below is what we will be working on in class tomorrow.  A link to three videos.  Students will need to analyze the videos and explain what they see. What is the type of courage they see? Then the students will need to describe how the acts of courage compare to what SEAL Team 6 did.

It is sure to be a very engaging activity!  Once again Happy New Year!  Updates to come more frequently!

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